DDOX Mahler. A project with music in it.

DOX Mahler sets the tone for Tilburg North. This is a great place to live among the trees of the Mahlerstraat. It will be a place for everyone. For young and old. Regardless of whether you have a modest or a larger wallet.

Tilburg Noord is a special and diverse neighbourhood that is about to change considerably. The municipality of Tilburg wants about 5,000 new homes to be built in Noord. So that you too can continue to live here pleasantly in the future! This change goes hand in hand with improvements such as more greenery, good accessibility and space for everyone to live safely and healthily. DOX Mahler is a foretaste of the new Noord.

Stay tuned

This website will keep you up to date with the latest news and tell you how you can think and have your say on this project.

Building responsibly.

DOX Mahler is a development by Onorthodox and Piqet Development, in cooperation with the municipality of Tilburg. Wonen Breburg will be the owner of the social housing in DOX Mahler.